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(PM) GWW1 - German Afrika Korps Boxset
(PM) GWW1 - German Afrika Korps Boxset
(PM) WW1 - British Desert Rats Boxset
(PM) WW1 - British Desert Rats Boxset
(PRU 2) Prussian Infantry Skirmishing
(PRU 2) Prussian Infantry Skirmishing
(AO 60) Agincourt Foot Knights 1415-29
(AO 60) Agincourt Foot Knights 1415-29
(WR1) Plastic Wars of the Roses Infantry (bows and bills)
(WR1) Plastic Wars of the Roses Infantry (bows and bills)
(WR 60) Light Cavalry 1450-1500
(WR 60) Light Cavalry 1450-1500
(ACW2) Plastic American Civil War Cavalry (box of 12 figures)
(ACW2) Plastic American Civil War Cavalry (box of 12 figures)
(ACW70) American Civil War Zouaves
(ACW70) American Civil War Zouaves
(ACW 80) American Civil War Confederate Infantry 1861-65
(ACW 80) American Civil War Confederate Infantry 1861-65
(BH1) Plastic British Napoleonic Line Infantry box set (36 Line Infantry, 4 Riflemen)
(BH1) Plastic British Napoleonic Line Infantry box set (36 Line Infantry, 4 Riflemen)
(BH 80) Napoleonic British Hussars
(BH 80) Napoleonic British Hussars
(AN 40) Austrian Napoleonic Infantry
(AN 40) Austrian Napoleonic Infantry
(AN 100) Napoleonic Austrian Hussars 1805-15
(AN 100) Napoleonic Austrian Hussars 1805-15
(RN 20) Russian Napoleonic Infantry 1809-1814 ( 40 figures)
(RN 20) Russian Napoleonic Infantry 1809-1814 ( 40 figures)
(FN 100) Plastic French Napoleonic Infantry
(FN 100) Plastic French Napoleonic Infantry
(FN 130) Plastic French Napoleonic Line Dragoons (13 mounted, 8 dismounted)
(FN 130) Plastic French Napoleonic Line Dragoons (13 mounted, 8 dismounted)
(FN 230) French Napoleonic Line Chasseurs a Cheval 1808-15
(FN 230) French Napoleonic Line Chasseurs a Cheval 1808-15
(FN 260) Elite Companies, French Infantry 1807-14
(FN 260) Elite Companies, French Infantry 1807-14
(US 1) US Infantry 1942-45
(US 1) US Infantry 1942-45
(VLW 1) British Infantry in Afghanistan Sudan 1877-85
(VLW 1) British Infantry in Afghanistan Sudan 1877-85
(VLW 20) British Infantry Zulu War
(VLW 20) British Infantry Zulu War
(VLW 41) Zulus
(VLW 41) Zulus
(VLW 80) Afghan Tribesmen
(VLW 80) Afghan Tribesmen
(SA 30) Plastic Mahdist Ansar – Sudanese Tribesmen 1881-1885
(SA 30) Plastic Mahdist Ansar – Sudanese Tribesmen 1881-1885
(AW 250) American War of Independence Continental Infantry 1776-1783
(AW 250) American War of Independence Continental Infantry 1776-1783
(AW 200) American War of Independence British Infantry 1775-1783
(AW 200) American War of Independence British Infantry 1775-1783
(FN 250) French Napoleonic Infantry Battalion 1807-14
(FN 250) French Napoleonic Infantry Battalion 1807-14
(FN 140) Plastic French Napoleonic Hussar box set (14 hussars)
(FN 140) Plastic French Napoleonic Hussar box set (14 hussars)
(FN 120) Plastic French Napoleonic Heavy Cavalry box set (Cuirassiers/Carabiniers 14 figures)
(FN 120) Plastic French Napoleonic Heavy Cavalry box set (Cuirassiers/Carabiniers 14 figures)
(PN1) Plastic Napoleonic Prussian Line Infantry and Volunteer Jagers (46 figures)
(PN1) Plastic Napoleonic Prussian Line Infantry and Volunteer Jagers (46 figures)
(AN 80) Austrian Napoleonic Cavalry
(AN 80) Austrian Napoleonic Cavalry
(BH 90) British Light Dragoons 1808-15
(BH 90) British Light Dragoons 1808-15
(ACW 120) American Civil War Union Infantry in sack coats skirmishing 1861-65
(ACW 120) American Civil War Union Infantry in sack coats skirmishing 1861-65
(ACW 115) American Civil War Union Infantry 1861-65
(ACW 115) American Civil War Union Infantry 1861-65
(ACW 90) American Civil War Artillery 1861-65
(ACW 90) American Civil War Artillery 1861-65
(ACW1) Plastic American Civil War Infantry (box of 36 figures)
(ACW1) Plastic American Civil War Infantry (box of 36 figures)
(WR 50) Foot Knights 1450-1500
(WR 50) Foot Knights 1450-1500
(WR 40) Mounted Men at Arms 1450-1500 (12 mounted figures)
(WR 40) Mounted Men at Arms 1450-1500 (12 mounted figures)
(WR 20) Plastic ‘Mercenaries’, European Infantry 1450-1500
(WR 20) Plastic ‘Mercenaries’, European Infantry 1450-1500
(AO 70) Agincourt Mounted Knights 1415-
(AO 70) Agincourt Mounted Knights 1415-
(AO 50) Agincourt French Infantry 1415-29
(AO 50) Agincourt French Infantry 1415-29
(AO 40) English Army 1415-1429 (36 figures)
(AO 40) English Army 1415-1429 (36 figures)
(PRU 1) Prussian Infantry Advancing
(PRU 1) Prussian Infantry Advancing
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